Documents Registry entry
A Convert Registry entry defines how a document is converted from one format to another when a document is added to the Multimedia repository. The Documents Registry entry enables the conversion for a user / group (or system-wide).

When a document is added to a Multimedia record it is possible to have a number of alternative document formats generated automatically by the System. For example, when a Word document is added, it can be converted automatically into HTML, RTF and TEXT formats. The generated formats are added to the Documents table on the Document tab of the Multimedia record.
The conversion of a document from one format to another is defined by a Convert Registry entry. A Documents Registry entry enables the conversion(s) defined by one or more Convert Registry entries for a user / group / system-wide.

When a Multimedia record is saved, the Documents table is searched for any HTML document. If one is found, the document is indexed for retrieval. If an HTML document is not located, a TEXT document is tried. Once again, if a document is found, it is indexed for retrieval.
Using this mechanism it is possible to provide full text retrieval for any document type (e.g. Word, Excel, Access, Project, Web Pages, WordPerfect, Lotus Notes) that can be saved in a textual form. Once saved as either HTML or TEXT, full text retrieval is available.
A Documents Registry entry specifies which document types are automatically created when a document is added to the Multimedia Repository. The Convert Registry entry specifies how to convert one document type to another.
See How do I search attached documents for more details.
This Registry entry can be assigned to users, groups and system-wide:
Key | User | Group | System |
Key 1 | User
Key 2 | user | group | Setting
Key 3 | Setting
Key 4 | Multimedia
Key 5 | Documents
format or Default |
Key 6 | format or Default |
Value | fileext;fileext;... |

user | Setting
format | fileext;fileext;... |
group | Setting
format | fileext;fileext;... |
format | fileext;fileext;... | |
user | Setting
fileext;fileext;... |
group | Setting
fileext;fileext;... |
fileext;fileext;... |
format |
is the file extension of the document to be converted (excluding the dot), e.g. doc, docx, rtf, txt, etc.; or use Default for all file extensions. |
fileext;fileext;... |
is a semicolon separated list of the file extensions (excluding the dot) of the file types to be generated. Thus for a text document, fileext would be |

If there is a Convert Registry entry for conversion of a document type (e.g. Word) to HTML, but there is no Documents Registry entry for the document type, then
However, if there is a Documents Registry entry for the document type (e.g. Word), the Documents Registry entry determines exactly what conversions are available: if there is a Convert Registry entry to generate an HTML version but a Documents Registry specifies a conversion of Word to .rtf and .txt, only documents in these two formats will be generated.
Any time a Word Document with a .doc extension is added to the Multimedia repository, this entry will try to generate HTML, RTF and Text formatted versions of the document. If the correct conversion filters exist, the additional documents will be created and fully indexed:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | System
Key 2 | Setting
Key 3 | Multimedia
Key 4 | Documents
Key 5 | doc
Value | HTML;rtf;txt
In order to translate a document from one format to another, there must be a Convert Registry entry defined for the type of conversion (e.g. .doc to .rtf). If there is no Convert Registry entry, the conversion will not take place and the format will not be added to the Documents table.